Friday, 26 March 2010

Cilymaenllwyd Name

Extracted from the Carmarthen Journal on 24th March 2010.

Cil - a retreat
Maen - stone
Llwyd - grey or pale

Therefore meaning - 'retreat of the pale stone.'

In the 1760s the church of Killmaenllwyd was established - being rebuilt about a century later. It is recorded that the attendance for the new church was so great that many had to wait outside.

Login is referred to as a hamlet - originally known as LOGINDWR - the name coming from the archaic word for dirty stream or pool - 'halogyn'. The steep terrain means that water runs quickly after rain and this causes it to become brown.


Cardiau Karen said...


I agree with the translation of the name - but would say that the "llwyd" part (which yes, does mean grey) is a metaphor for "ancient". Hence: "retreat of the ancient stone" - probably referring to the many ancient stones and cromlechau that pepper the landscape? That's my perspective on it anyway! :-)

Do you know if the church name came first or the old parish name of Cilymaenllwyd? I presume they are connected?

Best wishes,

Ruth Roberts said...

Not sure which came first Cariau - the church name or the parish - or if they developed together?