Thursday, 7 June 2012

Login Olympic Torch Bearer

Western Telegraph 6 June 2012
Jackie Davies of Login carrying the Olympic Torch through Cardigan.

Jackie's nomination story:
"Jackie Davies has been instrumental in starting and maintaining basketball in West Wales for more than 10 years. She's organized, promoted and coached the sport, involving hundreds of young people and bringing an awareness of the game to the point where we now have local players competing nation wide. Jackie does all of this work for no financial gain, but to give the children and young adults a chance to participate in an ever growing sport, one that is consistently gaining a worldwide audience both at the professional and amateur level. She does all this while maintaining her own home based business of complimentary medicine, raising a herd of alpacas, and being a wife, mother and grandmother. I can think of no-one more deserving than Jackie to carry the Olympic Torch and to represent the ideal of sport in it's truest sense."

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