Monday, 31 March 2014

Rose and Albert Davies of Plascrwn, Login 1943

From Anne Capon:
I have attached a photo of my grandparents, Albert & Rose Davies, taken in 1943, 5 years before Rose died at the age of 54.  
Albert spent most of his life living in Login, having been born at the Plascrwn Arms in 1890.  Most of his working life was with the Great Western Railway.  
Albert kept bees and, when I was a child, I recall him sending us jars of delicious, slightly crystallized, honey.  
Although, during my visits as a child, I cannot remember seeing the bee hives, I understand from Derrick (Derrick Evans, cousin), that they were kept at the end of the rather hilly garden behind 'Plascrwn' and 'Taf House' next door.

Rose and Albert Davies of Plascrwn, Login 1943


Unknown said...

Hello Ruth,

I'm writing to ask if you know who now owns your grandparents home in Login? I'm local to the area and having passed the abandoned homes and looked through the windows to see some beautiful and unusual furniture and items, I wondered if you know anymore about them. Would be such a shame to see the buildings fall into irreparable disrepair.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

I have a strong DNA link to Albert and Rose and would welcome any assistance in researching their genealogy.
Vaughan Davies

Ruth Roberts said...

Not my grandparents and I have no idea who owns the properties now. it is a shame they are getting left empty and neglected - I noticed last time I drove through.