Monday 23 September 2024

1905 postcard of Login

 On the Peoples' Collection of Wales website.

Kil y Maenllwyd Visitation 1710

 The Kil y maenllwyd extract is from Genuki online and from 

A Visitation of the Archdeaconry of Carmarthen, 1710

Background to 'Login' name


This is from Carms record office, from the Dictionary of the Places Names of Wales book by Richard Morgan.

Cilymaenllwyd Church List of VIcars online

Saturday 6 April 2024

Some Old Ffynnonwen Pupils


More info to follow.

Received this today from Derrick Rhydderch-Evans.

'Just found these in an early 1920’s album.
They are pupils of Fynnonwen School, probably my Mother’s class!!
I’ll send you the full size print plus a few odd, unnamed pupils. '

Thursday 22 February 2024

Old OS Maps online


Detailed Old Victorian Ordnance Survey 6 inch to 1 mile Old Map (1805-1869) Cwmfelin Boeth Cwmfelin Boeth Dyfed lat:51.840610 lon:-4.629867 (

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Plascrwn and Neighbouring Houses

 The houses appear on this map in 1887.  Note that the bridge was not there then.  The bridge seems to have been built in 1891, according to the plaque in its wall.

The same view in 1905:

Saturday 31 October 2020

Building a Village Pump!

 29 Jan 1924

Saturday.—A remarkable story
of how a village water supply is being held
up because of the alleged defiance of a wo
man was told at Whitland (Carmarthen
shire) District Council when the Sanitary
inspector reported upon his fruitless efforts
to fix a pump at a well.
He stated that he took with him two
police officers, a mason and a fitter to a
site adjoining the woman's property at Lo
gin. While the' mason was building a wall
the woman would dash in between the pol
ice and undo' the work. • Afterwards. she
went to her. garden, eight feet above the
well, and procured a cask full of water
which she poured over them.
The work was ultimately completed, -but
an hour after their departure she is alleged
to have started to pull down the wall which,
by the following morning, was demolished.
The pump was, found, lying in the roadway.
A member of the Council said the woman
contended that the well was on private pro
perty. 'The Inspector said that, to his know
lodge the well had been a public one for
the last thirty-two years.
The Council decided to obtain legal advice
on the matter, '

THE LOGIN WELL - in the 1906 newspaper.
Login Well
The well is certainly on the property of Captain Philpps, who has not and, I presume, will not make any objection to it on certain conditions.
 It ought to be analysed. It has been in use for many years, for hundreds of years. Dr Williams said that the well, which was mostly used for dietetic purposes was that in the hollow below the Post Office. If this was used for dietetic purposes it ought to be analysed.

The PO in 1889 was further up the hill towards Ffynnonwen, but no well is shown:


Friday 3 November 2017

Perlau Taf Group

Mary sent me these interesting images. The Perlau Taf record sleeve is from 1969.
All the members apart from John Arfon had gone to the primary school of Ffynnonwen, Login. Think the other image is from an old magazine. No copyright infringement intended.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Mabel Evans Plascrwn fishing in the Taf

Mrs Mabel Evans Plascrwn fishing near the bridge in the Taf river.

It sees that it may be Sofi Morris' husband on the bridge peeping over.

 Sofi was the Postmistress and lived at Brodawel, her brother was William "Bila" who also worked at the Station. Sofi also taught at the Sunday School.

Caleb Morris was also a former Stationmaster at Login, and wondered if they were related?

 Ruth states - 'I can recall Billa and Sofi living down that little lane by the stream just by the entrance to the chapel car park.  We used to use that path past their house as a short cut -  the feidr fach (small lane) - don't think its an official footpath though but we'd sometimes brave it on the way home from Ffynnonwen School.  I can remember getting soaked falling in that stream!'

 Derrick Rhyddarch-Evans states 'The photo of my mother fishing was, I think, taken just below the bridge. The young lad with her was my cousin Desmond who can also be seen in a couple of the Fynnonwen school photos.'

(Some information on Sofi and Bila was gleaned from comments on the Login Station Facebook page and I welcome any additions or amendments.)

War Activity at Login Station

A message from Derrick Rhydderch-Evans

'Saw the film Dunkirk this evening and a scene in it brought back some memories. After the evacuation troops had to be returned to their units via troop trains.
I remember one coming through Login. The ladies of the village had been requested to supply tea,water and bread and jam for the troops in transit. I can remember large milk churns of water, many trays of bread and jam, and some cakes for the soldiers.
The train was pulled by two engines with many carriages, it took two or three stops for most of the soldiers to be replenished with what was on hand. It was then on to Llanglydwen where probably the same thing happened.
I don't think Login station had ever been as busy before or since that day. In my mind I can see it as if yesterday. 

Sunday 28 May 2017

Ffynnonwen & Login 1819 OS Map

Very little property in Login village and nothing at the Ffynnonwen crossroads.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Saturday 26 March 2016

A Login Whip from Derrick Rhyddarch-Evans

c. Derrick Rhyddarch-Evans

As promised, this is the whip handle made by the whip maker who lived in

It is 28ins (70cm) long, and still in good condition! Not bad for 100 years plus!!

Monday 18 January 2016

Memories of Mills by Derrick Rhydderch-Evans

Usually on a Saturday,or during school holidays,depending on the weather,I would go over to see Ben Felyn,the Miller, to see if I could do anything to help. 
I would be given some menial tasks,but sometimes he would tell me to go up the slope behind the mill and either close or open the paddles that controlled the force of the water in the leat that went over the mill wheel. If there was too much force, the mill wheel,which was not balanced, could shake out of control and cause quite some damage.
The other job I was given was to go up to the floor where the millstone was and wait for the ground flour to begin its journey. From the stone the flour went into a wooden trough that was metal lined. I had a short handled, but wide, wooden paddle, and I would push the flour along the trough to a round hole at the end.  This was attached to a canvas 'pipe' that went into the flour sack on the floor below that Ben would fill and then sew it closed with string. Job done!!
On the way home, after my efforts, I sometimes had a sit in his car, a bullnose Morris,and imagined driving to faraway places.
The mill was above and to the right of the station. This was not Coedllys mill, that was a woollen mill. I have a length of cloth that was woven there. It was bought by my grandmother who was a seamstress who lived in Plascrwn,where I was born and lived until I  joined the RAF.
Happy days.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Taf Valley Lives by Denley Owen

Taf Valley Lives by Denley Owen

Published in October : TAF VALLEY LIVES by Denley Owen.

Published by Llyfrau Cambria, Llandeilo it gives an account of life for the working-class in a rural west Wales valley during the 20th century.

It is based on information from many sources including photographs, note-books, diaries, letters and newspaper-cuttings left by the author's mother together with annual chapel reports as well as verbal accounts from numerous family members. With over 200 photographs the book drew the following comment from Thomas Lloyd, OBE, DL, FSA, vice-president of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society:
' These treasured memories of old Welsh agricultural society resonate far beyond the small valley from which they come. Denley Owen's careful record has opened a window for us on this vanished way of life, which engaged so many but is now remembered by so few.'

River Levels - Taf at Login

You can check out current river leveks for Login on this website.

They give the following information on the Taf in Login:

 The normal level of the Taf at Login in average weather conditions is between 0.82m and 1.01m. It has been between these levels for at least 159 days in the past year.

The usual range of the Taf at Login in more extreme weather conditions is between 0.78m and 1.38m. It has been between these levels for 90% of the time since monitoring began.

The most recent high is 3.09m, reached on Saturday 16th January 2010 at 8:30am.

The highest level ever recorded at the Taf at Login is 3.09m, recorded on Saturday 16th January 2010 at 8:30am.

Penygaer School Group from Derrick Rhydderch-Evans - 1958

The above was kindly forwarded from Derrick who would be interested to know where any of those old pupils are these days.

Village Chairs from Derrick Rhydderch-Evans

The above photos are two chairs made by Evan Jones the carpenter for my mother in the

Monday 31 March 2014

Rose and Albert Davies of Plascrwn, Login 1943

From Anne Capon:
I have attached a photo of my grandparents, Albert & Rose Davies, taken in 1943, 5 years before Rose died at the age of 54.  
Albert spent most of his life living in Login, having been born at the Plascrwn Arms in 1890.  Most of his working life was with the Great Western Railway.  
Albert kept bees and, when I was a child, I recall him sending us jars of delicious, slightly crystallized, honey.  
Although, during my visits as a child, I cannot remember seeing the bee hives, I understand from Derrick (Derrick Evans, cousin), that they were kept at the end of the rather hilly garden behind 'Plascrwn' and 'Taf House' next door.

Rose and Albert Davies of Plascrwn, Login 1943

Ffynnonwen School Groups 1920s

From Anne Capon, cousin of Derrick Evans - My father, Mervyn John Davies, is the boy standing in the middle of the back row, directly in front of the window and wearing a dark coloured tie over what looks like a jumper.  
His younger brother, Des, is in the next row down, third boy from the seated headmaster.  
I would estimate my dad to be about 10 years of age in the photo which would mean the photo was taken around 1927/8 (my dad was born in April 1917).  
He and his brother grew up in Login with their parents Albert Rose Davies.  Derrick's mother, Mabel, was Albert's sister.

I am aware that, from September 1929, my dad continued his education at The County School, Whitland, and therefore assume that he would have remained at Ffynnonnwen School until the age of 12. 

The second of the two school photos was probably taken after my father had left the school but it show's dad's brother Des standing in the back row, second boy from the headmaster.

Login 1950s

Looking towards the station

Looking down over the bridge towards the station

From Anne Capon - I have also attached a photograph of Login, taken by my father in June 1955 and another photo of Login which, although undated, was probably taken around the same time and looks down onto Plascrwn and other houses in the row, in front of the bridge.  

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Old Ordnance Survey Maps.

Old Ordnance Survey Maps for the UK.

Lots of zoomable images to view - here is a screenshot of Login from the 1880s.

Thursday 13 February 2014

More Memories from Derrick Evans

The walk past Plascrwn and up to Gwenlais was a footpath which I'm afraid I used to ride my m/bike, dry weather only,on odd occasions,to relieve the monotony of legal road riding!!!

The other path (Feidr Fach) that went past the old post office run by Soph, when you crossed the bridge, on your left was a flat stone circle with a centre iron bar where the blacksmith would come to put the iron band around a cartwheel. 

A bit further on from that, on the left, was a well that supplied us with drinking water before the village was
linked up to the mains supply.

The path was regularly used as a short cut on dry Sundays when going to Cwmmiles!!

I've also found a plaited leather whip handle that my mother said was made by the whip maker that lived in Glanrhyd.  I think his name crops up in the 1911 census. (Probably - John James aged 60 yrs was a whip maker who lived in 2 roomed Glanrhyd).

I'll send you a photograph of it shortly.

It was good to read Denly's comment.It took me back many, many years.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Old Login Pictures and Memories by Derrick Evans

Cwmni Drama Ffynnonwen 1945
'RHYS LEWIS' performed in Calfaria Chapel

 Ffynnonwen Groups from 1920s - Mr Gravelle was the Headmaster.
Teacher's Assistant was Derrick's mother Mabel Davies who began as a 'pupil teacher' when she was 12 year's old and worked there until 1934.

Derrick's father W.Rhyddech Evans was the last headmaster of Penygaer School.

Derrick recalls - 'When I read the bit about Glyntaf, two things I remember about Mrs Prethero Beynon. She used to come to the shop, which Parry Lewis ran, in her pony and trap,and when she left, if I was around,she would give me a ride over to the station.  She was also leader with the Otter Hounds. I can see her now in blue jacket and plus-fours wading through the river under the bridge with the hounds and her followers.She was quite a lady!'

Thursday 26 September 2013

Glyntaf House

Kiziah Williams said...
Do you happen to have any history on Glyntaf residential home.  I am very interested in finding out the history before it came a care home and do not know any way to find this out??

After the above query thought I would start a category for any info we collect.  Any copyright problems with what I post just let me know and it will be removed.

The following has come from


Situated in a wonderful position above the eastern bank of the river Taf, it comprises four principle buildings. 

The main house is Grade II Listed and dates back to the 17th Century, and is mentioned in the book ‘Historic Carmarthenshire Homes’ as a ‘The Dower House’. 
The old coach house and stables have been converted into additional living space, and there are two semi detached flats created from a former barn. 
The old dairy and cowshed have been converted into offices. Currently operated as a care home.
The main house has eight bedrooms and three bathrooms, the coach house has nine bedrooms and six bathrooms, and the barn has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. 
There are also a number of outbuildings.

The nine acres of grounds are a combination of gardens, woodland, and a walled garden. 
The views from the property are wonderful across the rolling countryside. The house is approached down a long drive.

From Coflein

An early 19th century Gothick villa incorporating an earlier (possibly 17th century) building.
Walls of rubble masonry with pointed windows and doorways.

From British Listed Buildings
Grade 11 - approximately 1.7 km SSW of Llanglydwen, to W of minor road to Login, overlooking River Taf.
Source: Cadw

From Gentleman's Magazine 1839
Cromlech in grounds (not sure if this is Glyn Tafs) Residence of Capt Protheroe.

From National Library of Wales
Trewern, Whitland, estate, records
Reference code(s): GB 0210 TRWERN
Held at: National Library of Wales
Title: Trewern (Whitland) Estate Records

Administrative/Biographical history: The family derives from a mixed origin, combining the Joneses of Penrallt, Cardiganshire, the Scottish family of Schaw, the Protheroes of Dolwilym, Carmarthenshire, and the Beynons of Trewern, Pembrokeshire.
The Protheroe family resided at Dolwilym from around the turn of the 17th century when Rhydderch ap John, living in 1600, bought Dolwilym. The estate descended in the male line until Evan Protheroe (1715-1795), who had married Elizabeth, daughter of David Jones of Penyrallt, died without issue. He bequeathed the estate to his brother-in-law, Dr Evan Jones, stipulating that he should take the surname Protheroe.
Evan Jones succeeded to the estate on the death of his sister, Elizabeth in 1813. He married Emma, widow of David Garrick, and when he died in 1841 the estate passed to his only daughter Emma Hart Protheroe. She married William Garrick Bridges Schaw (d. 1856), who took on the additional surname of Protheroe after their marriage in 1819. Their son, Edward Schaw Protheroe (d. 1906) married Ellen Augusta Cecilia Beynon, daughter of John Thomas Beynon, of Trewern.
Ellen's great-grandfather was Thomas Beynon of Cethin, who had inherited Trewern in right of his wife, Mary Thomas, heiress of Trewern and daughter of John Thomas (d. 1730). The estate had passed down the male line until Ellen Augusta Cecilia Beynon.
Edward and Ellen's heir was Major Godfrey Evan Protheroe of Dolwilym and Trewern, who took the additional surname of Beynon in 1899.
Scope and content/abstract: Deeds and documents,1600-1919, relating to the Trewern estate, mainly in Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire, routine estate and financial correspondence, mainly 19th century, sale catalogues, valuations, etc., 1859-1919, rentals of the Trewern estate, 1860-1896, the Manoravon estate, 1875-1896, and the Clynmarch and Coedmor estates, 1875; and deeds and documents, 1892-1908, relating to the Dolwilym and Glyn-taf estates in Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire.

From Carmarthen Historian - Diary of a Doctor's Wife (long article) 

 On their marriage Captain Schaw took the surname Protheroe, and with his wife settled at Colby Lodge, a neat Georgian residence near Amroth, but by 1839 they had moved to a small country house belonging to the Dolwilym estate, called Glyntaf, pleasantly situated on the breast of a hill above Dolwilym, where they continued until Dr Protheroe's death in 1841 when they moved to their final home in the sheltered vale below. It was their great-grandson, the late Mr. G. J. Protheroe-Beynon, O.B.E., of Trewern, afterwards of Hurst House, Laugharne, who placed the family archives in the Carmarthen Record Office, among them the diaries which we shall now examine.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Login Railway Station on Facebook

The new owners purchased Login station in 2011 and over the next few months will add more articles about the house, it's history and the line known as the Cardi Bach.

A special Facebook page has been set up for LOGIN RAILWAY STATION

Monday 28 January 2013

Login - Cardi Bach - Ground Frame Building

Interesting article in the Western Telegraph on 16th January 2013.

If copyright infringed by publishing here please let me know - only posted for information.

There is a new and very interesting page on the 'Login Railway Station' 

Thursday 27 September 2012

Cylch Meithrin Ffynnonwen - 40 Years

40 years are being celebrated this year with a get-together at Nantyffin on 21st September.

50 Years Since Cardi Bach Closed

Tenby Observer 10th August 2012

Western Telegraph 29th August 2012

The line closed to passenger service on 10th September 1962 - construction had commenced in November 1870.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Login Olympic Torch Bearer

Western Telegraph 6 June 2012
Jackie Davies of Login carrying the Olympic Torch through Cardigan.

Jackie's nomination story:
"Jackie Davies has been instrumental in starting and maintaining basketball in West Wales for more than 10 years. She's organized, promoted and coached the sport, involving hundreds of young people and bringing an awareness of the game to the point where we now have local players competing nation wide. Jackie does all of this work for no financial gain, but to give the children and young adults a chance to participate in an ever growing sport, one that is consistently gaining a worldwide audience both at the professional and amateur level. She does all this while maintaining her own home based business of complimentary medicine, raising a herd of alpacas, and being a wife, mother and grandmother. I can think of no-one more deserving than Jackie to carry the Olympic Torch and to represent the ideal of sport in it's truest sense."

Penygaer School (closed 1959)

I had not realised how close to Login this closed school was - so after having an enquiry decided to add what little information I could find.

Penygaer School Group 1959
(from Efailwen to Whitland Volume 2)

It is also from Efailwen to Whitland Volume 2 that I gleaned the following:

By 1885 Penygaer was one of three schools run by the United School Board of Llanboidy and Llangan - the other two being Whitland and Llanboidy.

Penygaer opened on 5th November 1883 and by the 9th had 23 children on its books.
Apart form the patronage of the Maesgwynne family the school ranked high in the thoughts of Miss Shaw Protheroe, Glyntaf.

Built in a secluded position between Login and Llanboidy the countryside suffered a greater measure of depopulation than most districts.

Government Inspectors reports were on the whole good such as 'an excellent county school' in 1906 and in 1909 'Welsh is interestingly studied'.  In 1912 'quite exceptional' and 'the general tone of the school is admirable'.

Burial Chamber - Gwal y filiast evidently translates as "Lair of the Greyhound Bitch".
 © Copyright Dara Jasumani

In 1919 the pupils visited the cromlech at Glyntaf nearby, a piano was acquired by 1936 and in 1948 a wireless set.  A sale at Glyntaf in October 1948 meant school closure.

Numbers of Pupils
1883 - 23 (9th November)
1892 - 32.4 (average)
1918 - 34.1 (average)
1939 - 38
1950 - 23
1958 - 12 (3rd October)
1959 - (25th March - school closed and pupils were transferred to Llanboidy, Ffynnonwen and Pantycaws).

Head Teachers
John Evans
Rees Thomas
Catherine Ann Harries
Evan J.Davies
John S.Harries
Edward Phillips
John E.Jones
John Jones
W.Rhydderch Evans

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Images on Geograph Website

Images in and around Login and Ffynnonwen on the Geograph website.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Cylch Meithrin Ffynnowen 2011

Cylch Meithrin Ffynnowen celebrates in style - Friday, 04 March 2011
Angela Burns AM with Clr. Roy Llewellyn and children at the school.
A cawl lunch fundraiser for Cylch Meithrin Ffynnowen started the St. David’s Day celebrations in style, with a cast of Tiny Tots singing their hearts out to the delight of the many parents and supporters of this successful nursery group in Login.

The pounds are still being counted in, but the home-made cakes, jams and presents flew off the stalls.

The raffle was drawn by South Pembrokeshire Assembly member Angela Burns, who said: “Having lived just down the road from the school, I have seen how incredibly popular it is and rightly so. All credit to the dedicated team who keep it all going.”


Friday 3 June 2011

1911 Census - Snippets

Just had the chance to quickly view Cilymaenllwyd parish on the 1911 Census and found a few interesting items:

Benjamin Lewis aged 67yrs of Pumpsant was classed as a 'jockey'.

John Lewis aged 39yrs of Church Cottage, Login was a G.W.R. Platelayer.

Henry Thomas aged 36yrs of Lletty was also a Platelayer.

Phebe Williams, single and aged 35yrs was shown as the 'Inn Keeper' of 7 room Plascrwn Arms.

There was also two little cottages called Bridge Street (presumably the little row by Login Bridge) - both had only two rooms - in one lived Hester Lewis, 58yrs old and single and in the other was Martha Davies, a 76yr old widow.

John Lewis aged 51yrs and his 25yr old son Alfred Parry Lewis were shown as tailor and shopkeeper and tailor respectively.  They were shown living at 'Login Shop' which had 9 rooms.  Also John's 19yr old daughter's middle name was Cleopatra.

Mary Jones, a 69yr old widow was also a shopkeeper in the 3 roomed Login House.

John James aged 60yrs was a whip maker who lived in 2 roomed Glanrhyd.

Evan Jones was a 25 yr old joiner and cabinet maker in 4 roomed Ael y Bryn.

Philip Thomas was a tanner in 6 roomed Ponprenmiles.

Thomas and Benjamin Morgans aged 33 and 29yrs of 4 roomed Pantycelyn were coal hewers (where I wonder?).

Thomas Lewis aged 39yrs from Underhill I think was a road worker (some descriptions only in Welsh).

David Wilkins aged 21yrs was another platelayer and lived in 3 roomed Mount Pleasant.

John Morris aged 30yrs was shown as a Smith and working Login P.O. with his sister Margaret aged 25ryrs.  The P.O. was shown with 4 rooms.

Daniel Davies aged 38yrs was a packer with G.W.R. and lived in 4 roomed Pleasant View.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Cilymaenllwyd Church 1710

From Genuki

Griffiths, G. Milwyn. A Visitation of the Archdeaconry of Carmarthen, 1710 National Library of Wales journal. 1974, Summer Vol XVIII/3.
Extracted onto the pages of GENUKI with the kind permission of the National Library of Wales


The walls of the Church want rendring, the Tiling of the Roof between the Bells & the north door wants to be new ripped. The windows to be glaz'd. The floor to be made even. The Welsh Common Prayer Book is torn & imperfect. No Canons, nor printed Table of Degrees. The fence of the Churchyard to be repaired. No house, no Glebe, no Minister resident. Reputed value about 50 £ per annum. 62 Mr Collins Minister here 63 & of Llan Geler about 10 or 12 miles distant. His Curate Mr Morris of Llan Gan. Salary about 10 £ a year. Prayers every Sunday once, generally in Welsh, but sometimes half in English half in Welsh. See more under Llan Gan p. 24, where is also an account of the Dissenters. The Act against Swearing & cursing not read. Sacrament administred 4 times a year. Bread & wine at Easter found by Mr Collins the Rector. Communicants then about 60. Families 5o. See Llan Gan. From Mr Morris.

62. £35 in Ecton: op. cit., p. 379.
63. John Collins, B.A., instituted 1681 (SD / VC / 1, p. 142; SD / SB / 1, p. 95).

Monday 9 May 2011

Cattle 'Creep' at Login

"Cattle Creep" on the Cardi Bach

"Cattle Creep" under disused Cardi Bach railway line just outside of Login.

It allowed cattle to pass through under the line to get to pastures near the River Taf.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Crime 1764


Thomas Eynon; Parish: Cilymaenllwyd; County: Carmarthen; Status: Labourer

Nuisance - obstructing a road by erecting a hedge and ditch.

Location and date
Parish: Cilymaenllwyd; County: Carmarthen; Date: 22 February 1764

Owen Evans, gent.


Wednesday 13 April 2011

1885 View of Login and Calfaria Chapel

Just found this super old view across Login to Calfaria Chapel on the Peoples Collection Wales. Seems it was taken in 1885. Pity Gwenlais where I lived is hidden by trees. The shop already had its veranda - wish I could read what is written on the shop side - can anyone else?
Everywhere looked so clean and well kept, with really neat gardens - a credit to them all.

There is also a lovely shot of Calfaria Chapel, also 1885

Rev Davies

Creator John Thomas, 1838-1905, Owner NLW, Date1885.  (Don't think I have infringed copyright by putting this here but will remove if I have.)

Thursday 2 September 2010

Memories of Gwenlais, Login, in the 1960s

I lived with my parents at Gwenlais for about 10 years – from about 1963-73.

Location of Gwenlais - picture taken in 1905.

The house was small and unmodernised – being a basic ‘two up two down’, with a small box room on the landing, a side pantry behind a shed type structure, and a black zinc shed on the southern side, with a tank outside for catching rainwater.


There were no modern amenities – water came from a tap in the zinc shed and the outside toilet was half way up the garden.

Viewing it on the hill in Google Streetview it had changed considerably.

Front of Gwenlais - Mum Dora at door.

In the 60s most of the windows faced the graveyard of Calfaria – apart from one in the kitchen and one on the half landing (I believe there were five steps, then a small half landing and window – then another five steps to the upstairs).

Ruth with elder sister Daphne

Ruth - the black zinc shed which contained our water tap.

Our green and cream front door - you can just see the stairs
at the back of the small passage - and Snowy our stray of course!

The front door was always painted in wide green and cream stripes – being rented my father didn’t believe in wasting money on redecorating! Paintwork was mostly grey – especially upstairs – and the wallpaper in my room was a sort of pattern with blue and yellow flowers – still recalled but hard to describe.

Ruth standing on the lane up to Sunnybank. 
You can see the little white single storey shed at the side of the house.

There was an old fashioned range in the kitchen – with an oven at the side, and an ordinary fireplace in the living room. There was also a fireplace in the northern bedroom with a large chimney breast and mantle piece – but I can’t recall one being in the other bedroom. There was also an under the stairs little cupboard – with a door opposite the front door.

Dora, Laurence and Ruth.
In front of the house - you can see the dividing line above the window.

There seemed to have been a dividing line outside between the ground and first floors – looking as if the second floor had been added later.

The two downstairs rooms had beams and a wooden ceiling – which was the floor of the bedrooms – so with only a thin divide sound did carry.

The small shed at the north side of the house was divided into two – the front half being where our dog lived – but the back part was joined on to the kitchen via a door and was a sort of pantry with shelves. It looked as if a window had looked over the valley from here at one point but this was now boarded over and a small one looked into the side garden.

This shows the pavement in front of the house and the garden gate in the background.

Next to this was a small coal shed – then a wooden gate into the long side garden that stretched north.

Sketch showing house and gardens.

The garden was never tended much as my father was not very well. The first part would have been for vegetables. Then there was a sort of divide – where the toilet was, as well as a broken greenhouse and what would have been a pig sty.

The next section of garden was where the clothes line was – also lots of apple trees, and where I had a swing. There must have been a sort of well there at one time as there was large stone slab which probably covered the well.

Up the very top of the garden was another small shed.

The eastern boundary of the garden sloped down sharply to the valley bottom – and I had strict instructions not to go near!

This was at the end of our drive near the corner - see the dark shape to the right - that was an old oven embedded in the hedge for milk etc - thats where Blackie would sit and wait for us if we had gone on the bus to Carmarthen.

There was a side driveway into the property, as well as small steps leading up to the lane that passed the front door. This lane was raided and about window height and the wall supporting it was made up of lots of small stones – where little lizards would bask in the sun.